Female health volunteer used in election campaigning

Simara: It has been found that female health volunteers working in Jitpursimara sub-metropolitan city have been used in election campaigning. Kalpana KC, a female health volunteer working in Ward No. 4 under the sub-metropolitan city, has been used in the election campaign.
Contrary to the code of conduct issued by the Election Commission, KC, a health volunteer, met the local residents with sample ballots for Kisan Shrestha, the candidate for the position of Member of the House of Representatives of Bara Region No. 4, and Kshetra Bahadur Shrestha, the candidate for the Provincial Assembly 4(1).
The Election Code of Conduct prohibits employees who are receiving government services from campaigning for any political party or candidate. But KC, a health volunteer, was asking for votes for candidates in the name of voter education.
After the locals protested, KC, a health volunteer, said that she did it because she was not informed. KC, who stopped the process after local residents protested, has swastikas on the election symbols of both candidates in the sample ballot paper that was given to the voters.