SEE Examination: Question paper on WhatsApp within 15 minutes

Simara: The question paper has been released on the first day of the Bara SEE examination. Ramcharitra Secondary School Jayanagar located in Aadarshakotwal Village 1 Cheutaha, exam center has released the question paper of English subject.
Within 15 minutes of the examination, the examinee Pawan Sah took a photo from his mobile phone and sent a photo of the question paper to the WhatsApp group. The police got the information about 30 minutes after the question papers were sent to the people outside the examination center.
Sah, an examinee of Janata Secondary School, Kachorwa, sent the photograph of the question paper to Deepak Sah, who was outside. After the photo of the question paper came out through the WhatsApp group, there was a crowd outside the examination center to see the mobile phone. Bara Superintendent of Police Hobindra Bogati said that Deepak was detained by the police after a crowd gathered to look at the question papers on mobile phones.
Deepak is still under police custody, while the examinee Sah has been released. According to Superintendent of Police Bogati, by deciding to cancel the first day of examination of the examinee Sah, he has been released and said that the case process is going to be started for the action against Deepak.
Police Superintendent Bogati said that there is no need to cancel the exam. According to him, even though the question paper has been released, the answer does not seem to have gone through the group. Bogati said that there is no need to cancel the exam after not seeing the answer in the mobile and social network groups of the examinees.
The team led by CDO Sapkota has taken information about the incident and decided to suspend five people including the head of the examination center from the upcoming examination. Among those suspended from the examination center are center president Dinesh Prasad Sah, assistant center president Padmaraj Chaudhary, Bijay Prasad Chaudhary, inspector Kundan Prasad Kushwaha and Shyamkishore Gupta. The meeting held at the examination center under the leadership of the Chief District Officer suspended them for the duration of the SEE examination.