Sub-metropolitan incentive allowance for persons with disabilities

Simara: Jeetpursimara Sub-Metropolitan City has started a program to distribute incentive allowance to the persons with disability identity cards of class C and D.
The sub-metropolis has started distributing incentive allowances from the city’s resources to the people with disabilities who can walk with the help of assistive devices.The sub-metropolitan government has divided the persons with disabilities into four categories A, B, C and D according to their physical condition. Classes A, and B include people with severe disabilities.
The Government of Nepal has been providing allowances to persons with disabilities in category A and B. Class A people have been getting Rs 4,000 and B class people have been getting Rs 2,600. However, the sub-metropolis has started giving allowances to the C and D class people who are not in the first and second class despite their disability.
Within the sub-metropolis, 87 people have got C class and 24 people have got D class disability identity card.She said that they have started providing allowances to encourage people with disabilities to keep their morale high.
Chief Administrative Superintendent of Jeetpursimara Sub-Metropolis Chet Kumar Pokharel said that it was necessary to make people with general disability self-reliant by imparting SIP. Pokharel said that people with disabilities who can walk with the help of assistive devices can learn SIP and move their daily life towards busyness and professionalism.
Dhan Prasad Bajagai, president of the Nepal Disabled Association Bara and a member of the Municipal Disability Coordinating Committee, expressed happiness over the sub-metropolis for addressing the demands of persons with disabilities. Bajgai said that he got Jitpur Simara as the first municipality to provide incentive from his own resources.He said that it was important to provide necessary materials including SIPs to make people with disabilities self-reliant. Bajagai said that there is a problem due to lack of technical equipment even though the disabled people have learned SIP.
Executive member Subhadra Neupane, Disability Coordinating Committee member Dr. Deepak Giri, Sub-metropolitan employees Sudan Chaudhary, Sima Yadav and others were present.