Sub-metropolitan correcting the technical error of the exam results

Simara: After a technical error was found in the published results of the basic level class 8, the education department of Jeetpursimara sub-metropolitan city has been busy for three days to correct the error.
Although the result of class 8 was published on Monday night through IEMIS software, an error was found in the result. After the error was found in the examination results, the staff of the education branch has been correcting the error for three days.
The education department of the sub-metropolitan city also provided the results of class 8 to the media. After the publication of the news, the directors and teachers of other schools informed that students studying in their schools have also passed A plus.
Based on the information given by the director and teachers of the school, an error was found in the report of the examination results while understanding the education department. Harish Bhatt, the education officer of the division, said that he worked through the IEMIS software provided by the department, but there was an error in the software.
Education officer Bhatt has said that the error will be corrected and the results will be published in a few days.