Educational material assistance to students on wedding anniversary



May 12, 2024 6:51 pm

Simara: A couple who have been doing business in Bara’s Simara for a long time have helped students with educational materials on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. Umesh Chaulagai and Geeta Kandel, directors of UR Automatic Laundry and UR Premium Gold Masala Tea located at Jeetpursimara 2, have supported the educational material.

On the occasion of their 17th wedding anniversary, the Chaulagai couple handed over educational materials such as copies, pens, pencils, cutters, erasers, etc. to the students of Saraswati Basic School located at Jeetpursimara 2, which can be used for one year.

Chaulagai couple has been doing laundry and tea leaves business in Simara. Along with business, they have been active in social activities. The couple, who have been showing their presence by helping in every sector of the society, have helped the students this year.

About 150 students have been studying in the school, which was established in 2049. The teachers of the school praised the Chaulagai couple for doing exemplary work by distributing educational materials for the students.
