PVST schooling program of Lions Club completed



July 8, 2024 5:33 pm

Simara: PVST Club Officers Schooling Program of Lions Club International District 325 S has been completed at Birgunj.  The schooling program was organized with the aim to trained 85 club presidents, vice presidents, secretaries and treasurers in the region and zone under District 325 S Area 3.

The program was inaugurated by Lion Tasi Dolma Tumbahamfe, the newly elected District Governor of Lions Club International District 325 S and the Chief Guest by lighting the lamp.

In the program, District Executive Chief Lion Bishwanath Khanal, Lion Balkumar Pandey and Lion Basu Timilsina explained about the work, duties and rights of the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer of the club.

Similarly, the former district governor of Lions Club International District 325 E, Lion Anant Prasad Bhetwal, informed about the membership to be taken from International after the establishment of the club, updating of members, financial report, reporting of programs completed by the club, etc.

The schooling program was completed under the chairmanship of Lion Shyam Gupta, Area Chief of Area No. 3. Former District Governor of Lions Club International District 325 S. Lion D.N. Agarwal, Past Multiple Council Chairperson Lion Dr. Ramesh Agarwal, Vice District Governor Lion Ram Bihari Pandey, District Chief Lion Umesh Sharma, District Co-Chief Adviser Lion Umesh Shah Kanu and other guests expressed their views on the importance of schooling by congratulating the trainees participating in the schooling program.

The program was facilitated by Lion Gauri Devi Chimariya, District Cabinet Secretary, Lions Club International District 325 S.

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