‘We will strive to be the record of a beautiful socity’



October 1, 2021 11:28 am

Simara: Today is International Senior Citizens Day. Heartfelt respect and obeisance to all senior citizens. And today is World Smile Day. Let no one lack the smile that is the greatest jewel. Especially to senior citizens and everyone. First of all, best wishes for both the days.

Today is a very important day for us. Respect and smile day for senior citizens, one day. Of course, there is no need or opportunity to honor a senior citizen. But celebrating this day at the international level means respect for senior citizens, which carries a message of respect and has an important meaning. Expressing respect to the senior citizens once again, we have also included the ‘online version’ in the journey of journalism and we have started it from today. We will be successful even if this journey can add a little smile to the face of every citizen of the society.

Society is changing, every field is becoming wider and more sophisticated. As society is changing, so is the lifestyle of ordinary citizens. But while the society is changing, many beautiful aspects of it will not be changed and will not change, that is, it will remain alive, it will be written as a social record. And those same records are established as the history of society. This history becomes a source of energy and inspiration for the next generation.

Our society that does not value the negative side does not want to forget the positive side. Every citizen and sector of the society can make history from the same positive side and deeds, can establish their identity. This work can be done by every person in every sector of the society. Simply put, in this society you have the opportunity to draw your own history with your own hands. Yes, you write history, we are connected with you from today to witness it, through ‘eShilalekh’.

Your beautiful work will be written in our eshilalekh (www.eshilalekh.com). Shilalekh is an inscription, which is considered as an invaluable proof of history. Your beautiful work can become history and we are ready to prove it. We will also strive to make eShilalekh an invaluable record for the source and energy of the next generation.

With the advent of information technology, the number of online media in the field of journalism is increasing day by day. We have also become a member of the same growing number. Many online media are in operation, we will have no competition. The main goal of our team will be to make online reliable and readable.

In the upcoming journey of eShilalekh which is to be operated through Sanchar  Hub Pvt. Ltd. expect, cooperation from the three levels of government and people’s representatives in politics, communication, local administration, security agencies, government and non-government organizations, civil servants, industry, hotel and tourism, health, education, agriculture, arts, sports, trade and business. , Looking forward to your advice and suggestions.

Finally, We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the Kathmandu-based zookti Group for their support in making www.eshilalekh.com online attractive and beautiful.

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