Yadav from Bara scored 4 GP in SEE exam

Simara: Rahul Yadav, a student of Brighter Academy Simara in Bara, has secured 4 GPA in the SEE exam.
According to the results released on Thursday, Yadav, the only student from Bara, has secured 4 GPA. Mahesh Kumar Gupta, a student of Shree 3 Chandra Madhyamik Bidhyalaya Kalaiya, has excelled with 3.91 GPA on the community school side.
According to the results, 30.28 percent of the students have passed in the general section. 69.72 percent students failed. Similarly, 28.75 percent of students have passed the technical stream. 71.25 percent students failed.
A total of 8 thousand 743 students participated in the examination from Bara in SEE general regular section. On the technical side, 414 students participated in the examination.